(910) 769-7339
September 15, 2022
R. Clarke Speaks

Why Should I Hire a North Carolina Divorce Attorney Instead of Filing On My Own?

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If you are considering divorce, you might also be considering whether you need to hire an attorney or if you can handle filing for divorce on your own. After all, you’ve found some suitable online divorce forms that seem simple enough to fill out.

We know the divorce process can be expensive, drawn-out, and challenging, and DIY divorce forms can seem like a good option. While it may seem like there are few advantages to handling your divorce case on your own, there are many more benefits to working with an attorney.

In this article, a North Carolina divorce lawyer from Speaks Law Firm, PC Family Law Division, discusses some important reasons why hiring an experienced divorce lawyer can benefit you in the long run.

A Divorce Lawyer Can Explain North Carolina Divorce

Each state has its own set of requirements and procedures for divorce. In North Carolina a spouse may file for a divorce after:

  • One spouse has lived for six months or longer in North Carolina
  • Spouses were legally married to each other as recognized by North Carolina
  • Spouses have lived in separate residences for at least one year, and at least one spouse does not intend to continue the marriage

At least one spouse must meet all the above criteria to file for a no-fault divorce in North Carolina. An experienced divorce lawyer can offer legal advice on what kind of divorce complaint you should file with the court.

An Attorney Can Help You Understand Alimony (Spousal Support)

Divorce often includes a division of assets, such as the home you and your spouse shared and anything you purchased together throughout your marriage. However, you or your spouse may file for alimony if one of you earns more than the other.

Living together allows you and your spouse to live a certain lifestyle with two incomes. If either of you were the primary earner, the lower-earning spouse might have justification to pursue spousal support. Ask your divorce lawyer about spousal support for your divorce.

Your Divorce Lawyer Can Help You Navigate Child Support and Child Custody

If you and your spouse have children together, you must consider child support and custody during your divorce proceeding. Because you and your spouse will almost no longer have shared assets and bank accounts, you will want to ensure that you both honor your obligation to contribute equitably to your child's upbringing.

However, navigating child support and custody issues can be challenging, especially if you and your spouse disagree on important issues such as:

  • Where will the child live?
  • Where will the child go to school?
  • Who will make decisions on behalf of the child?
  • How much money should each parent contribute?
  • How will you and the child divide your time with the child?
  • What about vacations and holidays?

Unless you and your divorcing spouse agree on all these issues, your child custody case will almost certainly necessitate a great deal of wrangling and possibly several trips to court—or, at the very least, the assistance of a mediator. Hiring an attorney to represent you can help you navigate child support and custody issues and receive a fair outcome.

A Divorce Lawyer Can Streamline the Divorce Process

Nobody wants to invest months or even years in a divorce settlement. It can be stressful to navigate the divorce process, and most divorcing couples want it to be over as soon as possible so they can start rebuilding their lives.

When people represent themselves, it is common for them to file incorrect paperwork or forget essential steps. Unfortunately, making errors can frequently lengthen the divorce process and may even increase your financial outlay.

Hiring a divorce lawyer is essential if you're looking to simplify the divorce process. Family and divorce lawyers have years of experience guiding couples through the divorce process as quickly as possible. Your attorney can ensure that all necessary paperwork is filed and all procedures are followed to swiftly finalize your divorce, enabling you to start moving forward more quickly.

An Attorney Can Help You Protect Your Assets

Equitable distribution is a method of dividing marital and other divisible property between divorced parties in an equitable but not necessarily equal manner. The state recognizes three types of property, two of which are subject to equitable division laws:

  • Marital propert
  • Separate propert
  • Divisible property

To achieve the best divorce outcome and protect your right to receive your full property award, you need a lawyer who will fight for you both during negotiations with your spouse and during divorce litigation.

For Your “Divorce Attorney Near Me,” Call Speaks Law Firm, PC Family Law Division in Wilmington, North Carolina and surrounding areas.

Before searching online for a “divorce attorney near me,” consider the experienced family law attorneys at Speaks Law Firm, PC Family Law Division in Wilmington, Burgaw and Bolivia, North Carolina and surrounding areas. We will be your advocate who speaks for you, standing by your side during this difficult time to assist you in moving forward with your family's future. Our divorce lawyers will walk you through every step of the divorce process and can help you with any aspect of divorce and family law. We defend our clients against bullies, including spouses.

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The information in this blog post (“post”) is provided for general informational purposes only and may not reflect the current law in your jurisdiction. No information in this post should be construed as legal advice from the individual author or the law firm, nor is it intended to be a substitute for legal counsel on any subject matter. No reader of this post should act or refrain from acting based on any information included in or accessible through this post without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue from a lawyer licensed in the recipient’s state, country, or other appropriate licensing jurisdiction.

Speaks Law Firm, PC Family Law Division
300 N. 3rd St. Suite 310
Wilmington, NC 28401

(910) 769-7339https://speaksfamilylaw.com/

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